
I started this post as a set of notes, insights, and breadcrumbs for my future self. There is a chance that I will improve it once I gain better insights or examples.

Short motivation: Haskell is a cool language and it allows to abstract concepts which are hard/impossible to abstract in other languages. In particular it allows us to play with:

  • open recursion
  • recursion schemes.


How fix works

Think about recursion: you can construct recursive data types. You can construct recursive values. And you can introduce “loops” in your values:

zeros = (0 :) zeros

Below is the same code using hand-written data types (note List a on both sides of equation):

data List a = Leaf | Node a (List a)
zeros = (Node 0) zeros

Node 0 is a function of a type List a -> List a and it can be applied to its result. This snippet also can be reformulated like this:

f = Node 0
zeros = f zeros

If you try to evaluate it then you will obtain zeros = f ( f ( f ( ... ))). An interesting thing happens here: f has Type a -> a, but zeros has type a. If you think, why an arrow -> has gone: once you called f function, it returns a. So zeros = f ( something ) makes sense because if you managed to pass a right argument of type a to f then zeros will have type a. But if zeros have type a then it is the right thing to pass as an argument to f function. Check and mate.

That pattern zeros = f ( f ( f ( ... ))) can be abstracted into more general combinator:

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)

And now:

f = Node 0
zeros = fix f

In some sense, we factored out recursion into fix combinator.

My main intuition about fix is this: fix changes type of its argument from a -> a to a. So it “removes” an arrow from the type.

Simple fix examples

There are other examples of function with type a -> a, for example (+1). You can infinitely apply it to its own result (however it’s not quite useful because you will never obtain the final value and will not be able to pattern match on intermediate values). (0:) from our original zeros definition also counts.

Below are two more examples using open recursion (see (1) about open recursion). Note that succGen has a type (t -> [t]) -> (t -> [t]) so, it can be applied to itself.

zeroGen f = 0 : f
zeros = fix zeroGen

succGen f n = n : f (n + 1)
succ = fix succGen

rangeGen f n m
  | n <= m    = n : f (n + 1) m
  | otherwise = []
range = fix rangeGen

Please note that fix function is not magical. If types make sense, that doesn’t mean that things will magically work. fix (+1) has a type of a concrete value, but you can’t obtain it because fix (+1) will never terminate. Only things which produce new constructors (so that you can pattern match on them) or functions with termination condition (like rangeGen defined above) are useful with fix.

(1) Open recursion: recursive function calls something which it has received as a parameter instead of directly calling itself. This approach allows extension (or decoration) of a recursive function. Open recursion also reminds me of how objects are constructed in Perl’s OOP. In Perl, you don’t “bless” a value to a class which constructor was defined. Instead, you obtain a class name as a parameter and bless the value to that type. This allows reuse of constructor from child classes.

How Fix work

In the previous section, we defined several functions and then factored recursion out. Here we will do the same thing for types. Let’s review our toy example:

data List a = Leaf | Node a (List a)

Here List a is used in its own definition. It is explicit recursion, let’s replace it with an open recursion:

data ListF a n = Leaf | Node a n

But how we can turn this type into an “infinite” one which we saw previously? Let’s think, ListF a has kind * -> *, but we want *. Hmmm.. this reminds me something that we did previously: we “removed arrow” from type a -> a by using fix. Let’s do similar for types:

data Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }

Here we need to use some indirection with Fix and unfix, but the idea is the same:

type List a = Fix (ListF a)

Mental evaluation of the List a type yields Fix (ListF a (Fix (ListF a (Fix (ListF a (..)))))). Very similar to a value level fix.

Note that our List type has Leaf constructor which makes it possible to terminate data structure. It’s not a requirement for using Fix and for using recursion schemes described below. Both folds and unfolds can work on infinite data structures (but computing length of the infinite list will not terminate).

Simple morphisms


My intuition for thinking about recursive data types is a tree, so I will occasionally use words like Node, children, etc., I hope it will make sense.

All types below define one step of collapsing (or transforming) a data structure into a type a. The difference between them is how much information a transformation step obtains.

Algebra receives the “body” of a current node without its children (children are collapsed into a values). RAlgebra additionally obtains original children of the node. CVAlgebra uses the fact that Fix allows extension of original data type by attaching additional information to every node. Using that technique CVAlgebra receives its children annotated with the corresponding a values. Pay attention to similarities in these types:

type Algebra f a = f a -> a

type RAlgebra f a = f (Fix f, a) -> a

type CVAlgebra f a = f (Fix (Attr a f)) -> a

data Attr a f n = Attr a (f n)

attribute (Attr a _) = a

cata transforms original data structure (aka Fix f) into something else (aka a) by using Algebra (the simplest transformation step defined above). I added types to describe how transformation happens:

cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Fix f -> a
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . unFix
--       |   |               | f (Fix f)
--       |   | f a
--       | a

I defined para using annotateCurr helper. Witness that the type of annotateCurr is the type of cata where a was replaced by (Fix f, a). Also note that except for wrap helper, body of this function is identical to cata, and it works in very similar manner:

annotateCurr :: (Functor f) => RAlgebra f a -> Fix f -> (Fix f, a)
annotateCurr h t = wrap . fmap (annotateCurr h) $ unFix t
    wrap x = (t, h x)

para :: Functor f => RAlgebra f c -> Fix f -> c
para h = snd . annotateCurr h

And here again: annotate is very similar to the previous function. In types (Fix f, a) was replaced by Attr a f. wrap became slightly more complicated because we need to “sandwich” annotations between Fix layers :)

annotate :: Functor f => CVAlgebra f a -> Fix f -> Fix (Attr a f)
annotate h =  wrap . fmap (annotate h) . unFix
    wrap x = Fix (Attr (h x) x)

histo :: Functor f => CVAlgebra f a -> Fix f -> a
histo h = attribute . unFix . annotate h


Unfolds are about generating data structure from a seed. Coalgebra generates one layer per call. RCoalgebra can “manually” generate a result and return it instead of producing a new layer. CVCoalgebra can either generate a single new layer as Coalgebra or it can produce a “cake” of several new layers.

type Coalgebra f a = a -> f a

type RCoalgebra f a = a -> f (Either a (Fix f))

type CVCoalgebra f a = a -> f (Fix (Coattr a f))

data Coattr a f n = Automatic a
                  | Manual (f n)
                  deriving Functor

Note that all unfolds are very similar to each other:

ana :: Functor f => Coalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
ana f = Fix . fmap (ana f) . f

apo :: forall f a . Functor f => RCoalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
apo f = Fix . fmap (either (apo f) id) . f

futu :: forall f a . Functor f => CVCoalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
futu f = Fix . fmap go . f
    go :: Fix (Coattr a f) -> Fix f
    go (Fix (Automatic a)) = futu f a
    go (Fix (Manual fa))   = Fix (fmap go fa)


ana takes seed and produces a tree. cata takes a tree and converts it into something else. hylo takes seed and converts it into something else. Basically, it is cata applied after ana:

hylo :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Coalgebra f b -> b -> a
hylo a c = a . fmap (hylo a c) . c

Let’s generate an infinite list and convert in into an ordinary list using hylo:

data ListF a n = Node a n deriving Functor

type List a = Fix (ListF a)

gen n = Node n (n + 1)

toList (Node n xs) = n : xs

-- take 2 (hylo toList gen 0) == [0, 1]

Effectful folds


Solving dynamic programming tasks


More morphisms, generalized morphisms